
Why Your Home Needs Whole Home Dehumidification

Your home could have problems without dehumidification

If you experience any of the following problems, you may benefit from having a Clean Comfort whole home dehumidifier.

  1. A musty odor in your living areas, basement, or crawl space
  2. You feel “cold and clammy” when you‘re indoors
  3. Visible mold growth, condensation or water stains on the inside of your home
  4. Cupped wood paneling or warped wood floors
  5. Peeling wallpaper or blistering paint


How Does Indoor Air Filtration Work?

Basics of dehumidification

A central air conditioner removes humidity from inside air while cooling your home to the temperature you have set on your thermostat. When outdoor temperatures are more moderate, your central air conditioner doesn’t need to run. But high indoor humidity can make your home uncomfortable. The solution? Lower the relative humidity in your home with a whole-home dehumidifier from Clean Comfort and enjoy automatic year-round comfort in your home.
* Journal of Allergy and Clinic Immunology, Volume 104, Number, Volume 104, Number4, Part 1

What sizes of dehumidifiers are available?

Clean Comfort whole-home dehumidifiers are available in three capacities of water removal per day.

  1. 70 pints
  2. 98 pints
  3. 155 pints

When installed with a DVP Series dehumidistat and a motorized damper,  they can bring fresh air into your home and dehumidify at the same time.

What does dehumidification do for my home?

Lowers the relative humidity in your home to a comfortable level:

  1. Reduces the cold clammy feeling that comes from lowering the temperature on your thermostat in order to reduce the humidity level in your home
  2. Helps mitigate mold growth caused by high humidity in your home
  3. Helps create an environment where dust mites can’t survive (when air is maintained below 50% relative humidity*)
  4. Helps protect your hardwood flooring from warping when set to maintain the relative humidity in the range recommended by the hardwood flooring manufacturer
  5. When installed with a DVP Series dehumidistat and a motorized damper, the DV Series dehumidifier can bring fresh, filtered air into your home and dehumidify the air at the same time.