HVAC - Sales & Installation

Is it Time For Commercial Air Conditioner Replacement? Here are a few factors to consider:

Age – The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR Program recommends commercial air conditioner replacement when your system is more than 10 years old.

Frequent breakdowns / the 50% rule – If you are constantly repairing your AC, or repair costs are adding up to more than half the value of your system, a professional All Temp technician can help you determine if commercial air conditioner replacement makes the best financial sense.

Comfort issues – Poorly operating air conditioners result in uneven temperatures throughout your business in addition to humidity problems, which can lead to mold, mildew growth, and air quality issues.

Noise – Systems that are ailing and unable to keep up with cooling demands tend to make excessive noise or turn off randomly. If this describes the system at your business, commercial air conditioner replacement may be in order.

What Are the Benefits of Replacing My Commercial AC?

There are many benefits to upgrading to a newer, energy efficient air conditioner:

Lower energy bills – Depending on the age of your current system, upgrading to an energy-efficient system can reduce your heating and cooling costs.

Improved comfort – Newer systems do a better job of controlling temperature, humidity, and improving air quality.

Environmentally friendly – Less energy consumption reduces your carbon footprint, and newer systems utilize a more environmentally friendly refrigerant. (More Info…)